
Friday 5 October 2012

Personal Attributes
These are Personal Attributes that employers look for when you apply for a job. Personal Attributes are characteristics or skills that employers are looking for, the reason is because when you do the job you need to know about the job, what it involves and to understand it, otherwise if you do not have these attributes and do not understand about the job, then it is very difficult to do the job, when you would not know what you are doing.
-         Self-motivation

Self-motivation means, motivating yourself, wanting to achieve your own goals and learn new things until you have achieved them.

{} – have said ‘Self-motivation is the ability to satisfy a desire, expectation, or goal without being influenced to do so by another person. Self-motivation is the key to a paradigm shift or behaviour changes amongst individuals.’ For example if you are an IT technician and your job is to set up computers, but you want to be able to programme things so with self-motivation in your own time you would try and find a way of learning how to do programming. Self-motivation is needed because even though you might not need to be able to do a certain skill, it is still important to develop your skills and learn new things to become more versatile. This can benefit the company because you might have to use that skill for the company in the future. Also self motivated employees often get on with the job with minimal supervision.

-         Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills, means you should be able to motivate a group of people towards a certain goal. As a leader you should know the weaknesses and strengths of the group of people as well as knowing your own strengths and weaknesses, and lead them with no problems. {Edexcel, Information Technology Level 3 book} have said ‘Everyone is a potential leader and opportunities for leadership occur daily. However, many people lack confidence or leadership experience. Learning how to lead includes learning how to follow.’ For example if it is in a school or work or a company, as an IT Technician if you are a leader you have to know everyone in your team’s strengths and weaknesses to be able to give then the right part of an IT Technician job, to ensure that they are doing the job that best suites them in what they do best. To be able to know what their strengths and weaknesses are you must know your own strengths and weaknesses and know the difference between what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are. Leadership skills can benefit employers, because the employer can trust the employees to take responsibilities in their absents or to manage lower grade staff.

 -         Organisational skills

Organisational skills is a routine that can help you to complete everyday tasks efficiently. Also setting goals for yourself. This is important because if you were not organised you would not know what to do first, to ensure you are organised you need to prioritise the tasks you need to accomplish. {} have said ‘This means being able to plan, delegate, organise, direct and control. Putting this into practice can start with simply writing to-do lists or designing a filing system.’ For example if you plan your day and make a list of your tasks in priority order, by the end of the day you should have completed everything on your list, also organising your work desk so you know where everything is for when you need it. Organisational skills can benefit the employer because less time is wasted and you can accomplish more tasks quickly and efficiently making sure the work place function professionally and economically.

 -         Team Work

Team work is when you work with other people and everyone’s strengths come together as one. It is important because the job involves working together with other people, rather than just being one person. {Edexel information technology Level 3} have said ‘Every team has a team leader and others in the team have specific roles to play. It is important that everyone understands exactly what roles are undertaken by each team member and that everyone in the team works well together. Being a member of a team brings responsibilities.’ For example as an IT technician at a school, everyone works together and has a particular job role. One person would set up log in’s, another person would fix computer, and another would control what websites students go on etc. Team work can benefit the employer because it becomes a happy and fully functional working environment as team work often brings more satisfaction to a task because you have worked together to achieve it. This raises team morale which encourages high achievement.

-         Independence

In your attitude you need independence; employers are looking for someone who has the ability to think for themselves, they do not want somebody that just waits for their commandments. You need to show them your knowledge and initiative, telling the employer you are independent. {} have said ‘not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself.’ For example someone that is not independent might do a task that the employer or manager has asked, but then do nothing when they have completed it, waiting for the next instruction. Independence can benefit employers because when someone is independent the employer or manager can get on with other jobs, without having to tell employees what to do, so it would save time.

-         Problem Solving

Problem solving means when you have to find a satisfactory solution to a particular issue or difficulty, quote from {Edexel information technology level 3} ‘in any situation, some people will see only the problems they face and will be weighed down by them. Others maybe quick, perhaps too quick, to see a solution.’ To summarise that, it is saying that some people would see a problem and just give up, without thinking about the solution. An example a computer is not working and someone might see the problem and give up and not analyse it to find a solution. Problem solving can benefit an employer because the employer would want their employees to try their best and not give up, also example of an IT technician, the company would not look good if an employee is supposed to help a customer but then give up when a problem can’t be solved instantly, so the company would lose customers, therefore problem solving benefit employers if the employee does not give up.

 -         Respect

Respect means to be very considerate and polite to the customer and to accept and understand the customer’s thoughts and opinions. It is very important because when you are dealing with a customer and they are not happy, it is important to respect them, listen to what they have to say, do not disregard their opinions and be open minded. Also an employer would not want to employ someone that will be rude to customers. For example a customer is very angry about their laptop they have bought from your company as it is broken and is insulting you because of this problem, instead of shouting back at the customer you would calm them down and find a solution to the problem. {} have said ‘Respect is a status of being regarded with honour and high esteem. It is the act of noticing with regard, special attention and giving particular consideration to someone especially with care and with reputable caution.’ Respect benefits employers because if the employee is very respectful to customers and help them with any problems, it will help gain more customers, so the company will get more money and gain the trust and satisfaction of their customers.

 -         Dependability

 Dependability means being reliable, honest and loyal. Most employers would like a     worker who is reliable, someone who would always turn up to work on time and get on with their work with no complaints. Being dependable is important because you have to make sure other people can trust you. {} have said ‘Dependability is a value showing the reliability of a person to others because of his/her integrity, truthfulness, and trustfulness, traits that can encourage someone to depend on him/her.’ For example an employee who has to work as part of a team, but they are not very dependable, means other members of the team do not know if they can trust or rely on them to do the right thing or to be on time. Dependability can benefit employers because if an employee is dependable then the employer knows that they can trust the employee.

-         Punctuality
Punctual means to be on time. It is important to be on time to work, because if you are not punctual you will never get work finished, and employers could consider sacking you. {} have said ‘Acting or arriving exactly at the time appointed; prompt.’ For example someone that is late for work will not be able to finish what they are doing. Some work places you have to work the same amount of hour’s everyday, so if you are late you have to stay at work until a later time, if you are always punctual you are more likely to succeed in your job. Punctuality benefits employers because if the employees are punctual or early, then they are able to start working on time and there is no delay, so the employer is able to run the business.

-         Determination

Determination means pushing yourself to the limit and knowing you can do better,  to be strong-minded, for example if you did some work but you think it is not good enough and you are determined to do better because you want to do better. It is important because it is easier to achieve your goals when you have a positive attitude and determination to succeed. You would make sure that you are able to overcome difficulties in life when you have determination.  {} have said ‘Determination is the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.’ For example you may be the type of person that would just go along with everybody else’s ideas or you could be very determined and ignore what other people have suggested and do what you think is right. Determination benefits employers because employers like someone that is very determined, it benefits them in that they do not have to persuade employees what to do, because determined employees can just get on with their work and  are determined to succeed.

-         Time management

Time management is important because you need to use your time wisely, so you can get things done in priority and it helps you organise how you will achieve tasks. To achieve this you need to take control of your time, a diary can be helpful. People who offer a service always rely on a diary, writing down appointments to keep track of which client they should be expecting. {Edexel information technology Level 3} have said ‘To make the best use of your time, you need to manage it effectively.’ For example you can write down in a diary every appointment made so that you do not forget, because if you did not do this and you forget you might make more a one appointment scheduled for the same time. Time management can benefit employers because they trust that their employees have the ability to meet their goals and finish everything on their list for that day, so they can start new tasks the next day.

-         Numerical verbal skills

Employers are looking for someone, who listens carefully to what other people are saying, so you do not have to ask them to repeat what they have said. Also employers want someone who can communicate verbally and clearly. {} have said ‘Every individual needs to be well equipped with the tools to communicate effectively, whether it is on the personal front, or at work. In fact, according to the management gurus, being a good communicator is half the battle won. After all, if one speaks and listens well, then there is little or no scope for misunderstanding. The primary reasons for misunderstanding are due to inability to speak well, or listen effectively.’ For example you are dealing with a customer it is important to hear what they have to say first, and then speak to them clearly after so they understand. Numerical verbal skills benefit employers because if their employees are communicating well by listening carefully and speaking clearly, they know that they have a good chance of a satisfied customer.


-         Good working practice

It is important that you follow safe working practice to ensure that everyone including the manager, colleagues and the customers are safe and do not get injured. It is also important to follow health and safety instruction. {}have said ‘

"Good working practices" are the standard, sensible things you do, when you do a particular job (with regard to health & safety, efficiency, legality, etc.).’ For example an IT technician job, it would not be safe if somewhere with computers had a lot of wires sticking out everywhere because someone could get a shock, or another example if an IT technician goes to someone’s house to fix their computer but does not finish the job and leaves live wires showing someone in that house could hurt themselves or it could cause a fire. Good working practice benefits employers because the employer would have satisfied customers if the employees do their job correctly.